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Thousands of voices. one message.

Advocacy is simply the process of influencing people to create change. Its lifeblood is good strategic communications – educating people about a need and mobilizing them to meet it. Thousands of voices speaking independently can be ignored or dismissed. But by working together to deliver a message with one voice, nurses can make a real difference in the care patients receive and the health of our communities.

Legislators are elected officials who come from many walks of life with widely varying experience and knowledge of health care. You are the expert when it comes to the nursing profession and the health of your patients and communities. Policy makers care what you think. Your point of view is important to legislators as they craft the laws and regulations that affect your profession and patients.

What does DNA stand for?

Our Legislative Platform is the "gold star" for advocacy and government affairs work. The platform is updated annually by the Advocacy Committee and used as a reference for internal and external stakeholders. Our 5 primary topic areas include:

    • Workplace Violence
    • Workforce
    • Culture of Safety
    • Health Equity
    • Global/Environmental Health

How does DNA complete its advocacy and government affairs work?

It takes a village. DNA works with members, affiliates, partners, and more to advance nursing and health policy across the state. The work is primarily completed through our Advocacy Committee. 

Advocacy Committee

    • Primary decision-making body for all of DNA's priorities, positions, and more.
    • Composition
        • 13 voting members (Director, Assc. Director, 1 LPN, 6 RNs [2 from each county], 4 APRNs [1 each role])
        • Non-voting members (DNA President, staff, Board of Nursing, 1 rep from each org affiliate)
        • Grasstop Advocates (members with a passion for advocacy)

Board of Directors

    • As needed, decisions are escalated to the Board of Directors for discussion and decision making. 


    • DNA works with other healthcare organizations and community advocates to advance health. Some examples include AARP Delaware, Delaware Healthcare (hospital) Association, and more.

Website Sponsor

Thank you, ChristianaCare, for your support of DNA and Delaware Nursing. Click here to learn more about nursing at ChristianaCare.

Delaware Nurses Association 

DNA is a constituent member of  
4765 Ogletown Stanton Road, Suite L10 | Newark, DE 19713

Phone: (302) 733-5880 Organizational Affiliates

   Delaware Emergency Nurses Association

   - Delaware State Affiliate - American College of Nurse-Midwives

   - Delaware Coalition of Nurse Practitioners

   - Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists

   - Black Nurses Rock Delaware Chapter, Inc.


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